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Coordinator: Stefano Avesani Eurac Research
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Manager: Gloria Peasso Eurac Research
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INFINITE Case Study: Italy

About this case

The Italian sister buildings are multifamily dwelling units owned by a single owner and built in 1978 and 1979. The buildings include 4 residential units each for a total of 8 dwellings. This case study is particularly suitable to test INFINITE’s approach because the twin buildings allow to compare the energy performance before and after the renovation. STRUCTURE Steel-reinforced concrete frame with brick masonry.

The challenge

  • Presence of balconies: they make prefabrication more difficult. This may lower the replicability of the same solution and the potential for geometric modularity
  • Unfavourable ratio of m²: small envelope surfaces lead to higher specific costs for the renovation

Technology kit

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Energy and fresh air distribution kit
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Smart window kit (smart glazing)
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Energy generation BIPV kit
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Solar-thermal generation kit (BIST)
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Adaptable BMS
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BIM Platform
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The all-industrialised BIPV kit will be installed on the façades facing south and east. The northern and western façades will host the passive kit, with the possibility to integrate the green kit. Roof technologies are still to be evaluated. The electrochromic and plasmochronic systems for shading will be tested on different smart windows in order to monitor their performance. The distribution kit will provide fresh air, as well as air-based space heating and eventually cooling.

Demo Owner


account_circle Contact: Lorenzo Panerai

Casa SpA is the Public Company responsible for the design, implementation and management of public housing   assets of the 30 municipalities in the Florence area. It manages almost 13,000 dwellings; currently it has under planning, design and construction ( new buildings, rehabilitation and maintenance) of about 3.300 accommodation. The entire building activity of the company is focused on criteria of eco – compatibility and energy efficiency.


Industrialisation and prefabrication on stage

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