INFINITE Case Study: Slovenia
About this case
The Slovenian demo case is a medium size, multi-use building owned by multiple owners. Built during the 1970-1980, it is composed by offices on the ground floor, plus 40 single residential units divided among four floors and an attic area. Although the building is connected to a district heating system, the overall energy performance is poor because of badly insulated envelope and windows. STRUCTURE Steel-reinforced concrete frame with brick masonry.The challenge
- Presence of district heating: how to assure a coordinated energy system control in case of a high temperature district heating connection?
- Very small apartments: are INFINITE technical solutions scalable to fit small apartments?
- Multi owners building: how to ensure economic viability and low risk in case of multi-owner buildings?
Technology kit
INFINITE’s all-industrialised BIPV kit will be installed on the façade on the south side of the building. On the other façade, the thermal insulation will be enhanced thanks to the passive kit. The distribution kit will be mounted where needed to provide heating and cooling to the apartments. The balconies on the northern façade will be transformed into loggias. For the roof, both BIPV and the green kit are being evaluated. Three different kinds of smart windows will be tested in selected pilot dwellings.
Demo Owner
Stanovanjsko podjetje, d. o. o.

Stanovanjsko podjetje, d. o. o. has more then 25 years of experiences with housing management so we know and strive to be the best partner to the owners. We manage, advise and assist in ensuring quality of living. That’s why we provide a comprehensive and professional service! Our core business is management and administration of real estate and related business activities. We manage and consult with wholistic approach. We also provide condominium owners help and expert advice in the accommodation and sharing costs. We offer technical expertise to apartment’s owners and residents and implementation of all maintenance interventions on buildings that we manage. We also provide a legal and financial assistance.
New study on the potential of industrialised building renovation
Paper on how older buildings can be renovated faster and efficiently with prefabricated industrialised solutions.
From the Slovenian woods to INFINITE
Insights on wooden facades prefabrication and application for the building renovation with Lesoteka and Stanovanjsko podjetje.
Matter of minutes: installation of prefabricated façades
Updates on the renovation work on the slovenian demo case.