INFINITE at BauZ! Congress in Vienna

The BauZ! Congress in Vienna, Austria, is well known as hub for networking and showcasing both proven and emerging technical solutions for the building industry. The focus is on new products, processes, projects and tools.
The 2024 edition of the BauZ! Congress featured the presentation of INFINITE research and results. Susanne Formanek from GRÜNSTATTGRAU hosted the workshop called “New planning approaches to the greening of buildings”.
Elisabeth Leitner from GRÜNSTATTGRAU introduced INFINITE and highlighted the research on the life cycle assessments (LCA) and life cycle costs (LCC) that has been done during the project.
Martino Gubert from Eurac Research presented the mock-up results with focus on the green kit. He showed the mock-up installation, the monitoring system and data acquisition. One of the most interesting results is the observation that the temperature of the green facade during the day is often lower than the external ambient temperature. The data gathered will allow further evaluation to simulate the effects of green buildings.
Finally, Davide Madeddu from One Team introduced the newly developed BIM-Platform including all the created plugins.
For those interested, presentations are available for download here.
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