Coordinator: Stefano Avesani
Eurac Research
Demo Tour in Greve in Chianti

Our demo building in Greve in Chianti is getting renovated with the prefabricated integrated façades developed in the last years.
Do you want to see the installation live when it happens?
Then join or Demo tour visit on the 19th March!
- 10:00 – 11:00: Transfer from Florence SM Novella to Greve in Chianti
- 11:00 – 13:00: Guided tour of the INFINITE demo site
- 13:00 – 14:00: Lunch break
- 14:00 – 16:00: Workshop on industrialized renovation strategies (Palazzo della Torre – Sala Margherita Hack)
- 16:00 – 17:00: Transfer back to Florence
Note: Demo Tour only in Italian.
Thanks to EDERA and Energiesprong Italia, Eurac Research, Casa Spa, and FANTI Legnami for the organization.
Social sustainability: new methodology for retrofit assessment
A comprehensive report on evaluating socio-economic impacts in building retrofitting.
New study on the potential of industrialised building renovation
Paper on how older buildings can be renovated faster and efficiently with prefabricated industrialised solutions.
New study on dual-band electrochromic windows
New results on energy-saving and visual comfort potential of dual-band electrochromic glazing systems.