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Coordinator: Stefano Avesani Eurac Research
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Manager: Gloria Peasso Eurac Research

The Future Envelope – Towards Zero Carbon Buildings

15-16 December 2022, Bolzano-Bozen

This conference, organised by European Facade Network, aims at providing new points of view on the current state, upcoming challenges, and innovations in the field of the building envelope design, manufacturing, installation, operation, dismantling, EoL. The broad scope is to ease the path towards nature‐compliant, human‐centred comfortable and efficient buildings. It is structured in four thematic chaired sessions with key-note speakers, merging international and South‐Tirol perspectives.

Register at https://tinyurl.com/thefutureenvelope-registration

1. Performance Evaluation

The session focuses on key aspects of building envelope performances towards the Zero Carbon target, from the mutual connections among relevant urban factors, to the microclimate and the customization of materials in light of buildings’ energy performance; from a sustainability and LCA building envelope design approach to roadmaps towards global performance targets.

Chaired by Roberto Lollini, Eurac Research


2. Envelope technologies towards Zero Carbon

The session offers an in-depth overview of advanced building envelope technologies towards Zero Carbon, with specific focus on bio-based materials and innovative technologies for opaque and transparent building envelopes, outlining the main potentialities and trends in the fields of construction and research.

Chaired by Miren Juaristi Gutierrez, Eurac Research


3. Lighthouse experiences

The session discusses, through best practice demo cases, the challenge in decarbonising, optimising operational and embodied carbon in façades design, the role of the building envelope in order to face energy poverty, bioclimatic construction strategies, industrialized construction and public housing for near zero energy consumption, and the prefabrication with bio-based materials towards the Zero Carbon target.

Chaired by Ulrich Klammsteiner, Klimahaus Agentur


4. Challenges

The session focuses on the main trends and future challenges related to building envelopes design, from building resilience against climate change effects, to innovative approaches for recycling construction materials, from the relation between a user-centred and Zero Carbon façade design approach, to the aspects of bringing Zero Carbon solutions to “reality”.

Chaired by Enrico Sergio Mazzucchelli, Politecnico di Milano


Organising Committee

For any queries, please contact us at thefutureenvelope@eurac.edu

Image by Maike und Björn Bröskamp from Pixabay


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