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Coordinator: Stefano Avesani Eurac Research
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Manager: Gloria Peasso Eurac Research

Matter of minutes: installation of prefabricated façades

The project meeting in Slovenia was full of surprises for INFINITE partners. The biggest one was for sure the live installation of the prefabricated timber-based façade.
This efficient process demonstrated significant time savings, with approximately 20 m² of façade installed in just a few dozen minutes: a shorter time compared to traditional scaffolding and contact façade . The final façade will integrate the BIPV colored glass-glass panels in white traffic color, provided by Sunage,.
This will result in a façade that is quick to install, thermally efficient, and capable of generating electricity.

The façade were prefabricated by Lesoteka, a local supplier. INFINITE partners had the chance to tour their highly automated facility in Radlje ob Dravi is powered by local cogeneration (546 kW) using wood gas, with pellets as the fuel: this circular approach is an interesting take on the production of construction material.

Thanks and congratulations go to Stanovanjsko podjetje, EUTRIP, and IRI UL – Institute for Innovation and Development of University of Ljubljana for their hard work on the demo case. Thanks also to project coordinator Eurac Research, Institute for Renewable Energy , and all partners for making this possible.


From the Slovenian woods to INFINITE

Insights on wooden facades prefabrication and application for the building renovation with Lesoteka and Stanovanjsko podjetje.

Heating up towards spring

Heat pump successfully installed and under a commissioning process to be soon fully operational.

From paper to reality: first tests on the Slovenian demo building

Installation tests on the mock-up BIPV façade in the Slovenian demo building and advancements in the ventilation system.

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