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Coordinator: Stefano Avesani Eurac Research
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Manager: Gloria Peasso Eurac Research
Logo infinite, industrialized envelope solutions

Industrialised durable building envelope retrofitting by all-in-one interconnected technology solutions

banner inifinite project


Meet the future of building renovation. All-in-one industrialised envelope technologies will allow to increase the energy performance and lifespan of a building, while cutting time and costs of the retrofitting process. INFINITE relies on the “Renovation4.0” approach, which combines digitalisation and industrialisation to offer high-quality, tailor-made, sustainable solutions designed to last.
INFINITE will unleash the market potential of prefabrication in the construction sector and will pave the way for the decarbonisation of the European building stock.

Advantages of tailor made production


on retrofitting costs compared to other prefab envelope solutions


overall construction time


years of lifespan after renovation


A successful day for prefabricated renovation

The installation of prefabricated façades in just minutes at the demo tour in Greve in Chianti

Demo Tour in Greve in Chianti

Visit the building under renovation, see how prefabricated facades are installed, and discover the perks of industrialized renovation

Social sustainability: new methodology for retrofit assessment

A comprehensive report on evaluating socio-economic impacts in building retrofitting.

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INFINITE Case Study: Italy
INFINITE Case Study: Italy

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INFINITE Case Study: France
INFINITE Case Study: France

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INFINITE Case Study: Slovenia
INFINITE Case Study: Slovenia

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