Infinite at Sustainable Places 2024
Sustainable Places is the annual event that aims to foster networking and clustering between multidisciplinary experts working towards more sustainable places in European and national funded projects.
Infinite was part of the workshop Navigating the Shades of Industrialized Deep Energy Retrofit: Strategies for a Sustainable EU Building Stock.
The session originates from the activities of the “Prefab Cluster”, which started in the 2021 conference showing achievements and challenges of 7 projects: ENSNARE, BuildUpSpeed, Greenest, Giga Regio Factory, One Click Reno and Infinite. The focus has been on the industrialization and modularity of building envelope kits as pivotal strategies for enhancing energy efficiency and mass decarbonization of the EU building stock.
Key discussion points of the 2024 included:
- Cutting-edge approaches for retrofitting, combining digital and physical technologies: synergetic combination of digital frameworks and industrialized components, using modular concepts and revolutionizing retrofitting practices. Orientation towards sustainable industry through EU’s decarbonization and energy efficiency goals.
- Collaborative approaches and regional adaptation: addressing the diversity in retrofitting needs across different regions and how tailored industrialization approaches can meet these specific requirements.
- Market activation and policy implications: discussing strategies and policy frameworks to support the industrialization of deep energy retrofit.
Researchers, industry experts, CINEA representatives and conference attendees discussed these issues, aiming to draft a policy-informing paper to expedite the Renovation Wave and EPDB implementation.
Contributing projects:
- John van Oorschot, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences – BuildUPSpeed
- Maria Founti, NTUA – Plural and GreeNest
- Ana Sanchis, IVE – One Click Reno
- Chiara Stanghini, Edera – INFINITE and Giga Regio Factory
- Thaleia Konstantinou, TU Delft – ENSNARE
- Workshop Chair: Tatiana Loureiro, R2M Solution
Workshop at Sustainable Places 2024
A stakeholders’ involvement approach for Industrialised Deep Renovation
New paper Demand-side mapping to support buildings’ industrialised deep renovation through a stakeholders’ involvement approach
Prefabricated BIPV façade in a large-scale renovation complex
A first look at the design of the French demo case building renovation
Industrialisation and prefabrication on stage
Challenges and new perspectives on the future of building renovation from the INFINITE Offsite Academy.