Heating up towards spring
Some updates from the renovation of the demo building in Ravne na Koroškem, Slovenia, are the perfect way to welcome the start of spring.
The heat pump was successfully installed in the winter and now is under a commissioning process to be soon fully operational.
With the arrival of the ventilation VORTICE machine in the next months, we will complete the energy and fresh air distribution kit for the new upper floor.
In fact, heating and cooling services will be efficiently managed by the building’s central thermal plant, which integrates a district heating network with an air-to-water heat pump. This integrated system will deliver warm or cool air into apartments via the ventilation system allowing also the air renew of the flats.
New study on the potential of industrialised building renovation
Paper on how older buildings can be renovated faster and efficiently with prefabricated industrialised solutions.
From the Slovenian woods to INFINITE
Insights on wooden facades prefabrication and application for the building renovation with Lesoteka and Stanovanjsko podjetje.
Matter of minutes: installation of prefabricated façades
Updates on the renovation work on the slovenian demo case.